Monday, 14 July 2008

i have been out of the blogsphere for so long now i was thinking of just killing my blog altogether but decided to give it another shot and see how i feel afterwards...
Since having baby #2 i have been in another world!! There are so many things to remember and also things to get used to when dealing with a 2nd child as well as a girl...just changing a diaper is completely different and definitely a lot harder with girls!! Chasing a 2 year old and trying to explain the need for patience and being gentle towards the baby is a challenge all on its own!! Luckily babies are a lot more resilient than we think and don't really need to be handled like china dolls all the time- and when wooden puzzles fall on their heads the bruises heal SUPER fast too!!
Recovering from the c-section has also been a lot tougher this time around. I have had numerous trips to the doctor and have been suffering the aftermath of very harsh anti-biotics, opening and resealing of the stitches and nursing an extremely hungry baby through all this. Not fun and not something i could have expected or been prepared for in the least!!
okay i have complained enough for today and i have to go take a nap as baby is sleeping and i need some rest to catch up on the sleep i've missed over the last 3 weeks....


  1. Anonymous7:24 pm

    Welsome back to blogging D!! I am sure everything will come together soon, and hope your incision is finally healing the way it should be!

    I am scratching my head at what is harder about changing a girl's diaper though...although admittedly I haven't done either in a while I don't remember any specific difficulties???

  2. thanks!!
    All those folds and creases that boys don't have make it easier IMO to change the male i didn't know what to do with the parts at first- do i clean inside or just around or do i let it clean itself-and remembering to clean front to back was a challenge too...things i guess i should ask the doctor but did ask the Public Health Nurse when she called to check up on me :)

  3. Anonymous7:47 am

    I guess it wasn't hard for me as it was what I learned first. I am sure in a few more weeks it'll seem as second nature to you as a boy diaper!

  4. Yeah Dina, we found changing diapers different with the girlie too. And we didn't have to worry as much about diaper rash with the boy either and the 2nd time around discovered Sudacrem, a much better and less grimy alternative to Deciten.

    Glad to see you surfaced on your blog again too! It is tough with the two little ones now...can't believe you posted again so soon!!

  5. Oh, Dina!
    First off, welcome back to the blog world! I hope you don't have to end up killing your blog. I LOVE your blog! This said, I totally understand how you've got so much on the go right now. Blogging would not be a priority for me either!

    I was going to call you today, but didn't want to wake you in case you were resting! I hope things are getting easier and that you are recovering from your C-section okay.

    Thinking of you! xoxoxo



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