Tuesday, 4 April 2006

33 YIKES!!! It's my birthday

In honor of my 33rd birthday and to borrow (or steal) an idea from my dear friend Jill I am going to tell you 33 things about MEEEEE....

1. I have a small group of really close friends and I like it that way (no need to have tonnes of friends I have no time to see)
2. My husband is my bestest friend
3. I can't take critisism (will let it bother me for days and days afterwards-about ANYTHING)
4. I am cheap (I will look for the lowest gas prices even if it means waiting until i'm only driving on fumes)
5. I work hard for my money and can't throw it away frivilously (so i usually wait for sales to buy anything)
6. I have worked the same part-time job since I was 15 years old (with the exception of a 2 year leave of absence to go live abroad) REALLY TIME TO QUIT!!!!
7. I lived in Korea for 15 months after university to teach English
8. I used to LOVE to party at night clubs in my younger days
9. I now prefer to stay home and watch a movie with hubby
10. I have done my own taxes a few times
11. I have been watch the Young and the Restless since grade 7
12. My favourite TV show is What Not to Wear
13. I am expecting my first child
14. I want 3 children
15. I still suffer from naseau and heartburn even at 6 months along
16. I plan to join Weight Watchers after this baby comes
17. I LOVE pickles on all sandwiches
18. I will not/cannot eat mushrooms
19. I cannot live with out diet Coke/Pepsi
20. I cannot tolerate any kind of pain (from sore feet to a small scratch YUCK!
21. I prefer flannel PJ's to sexy lingerie
22. I sometimes call in sick just to use up some of my leave time (I have so much accrued time I won't be able to use it in a lifetime)
23. On my days off I eat way less then when I'm at work
24. I love taking baths but always shower afterwards because I dont' feel really clean after a bath
25. I have never been to the same hair stylist more than twice
26. I hate clutter
27. I am not the best housekeeper
28. I am very sorry I fired the cleaning lady for not living up to my standards ( I should have just told her in more detail what I wanted her to do-she isn't a mind reader)
29. Every year I resolve to keep my resolutions
30. I always break my resolutions within a few weeks
31. I love reading trashy chick lit
32. I love eating spicy foods
33. I LOVE cooking for other people


  1. okay this damn editing is making me very annoyed...I did actually LIST this blog and not create one big paragraph AND I did have my profile right next to my posts not down below them BUT now it's all screwed up...oh well I give up!

  2. That's okay---it is still readsble. It took me HOURS to format my list!!!

    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. LOL! Love your list, D! Hope you don't mind, but I borrowed the idea too! :)

    Hope you had a wonderful birthday! How did you celebrate it?



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