Thursday, 16 September 2010

run away with me

In light of the recent heartbreak and stresses we have endured I have decided to really commit to the running thing. I took myself out Monday night and ran about 3 km. It wasn't a long run but it was a run and I did it alone- my first lone run in more years than I can count. Last night FP and I ran together. We did about 5k together, and she likely did closer to 6 or more! (Cheers for FP!!!) I am really enjoying the freedoms of running. There is no schedule to abide by, if I am running late than I can still get out and do my run without worrying about interrupting an instructor or about not getting a good spot in the class. I don't have to dress up in "designer" workout clothes, I don't have to worry about my messy ponytail looking just right (as the gyms I tended to go to were often fashionable, trendy places where the patrons were sometimes more worried about how they looked on the floor than what they were often doing there-not that I am into all that but they were convenient and usually offered great corporate rates!)
I know it is late in the year to start running and I won't have a lot of time left to get the runs in before the weather turns unbearable to run but I will enjoy it while it lasts.

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