Sunday, 10 June 2007

10 things i can never wait for...

1. nail polish to dry. I can never wait for my nails to dry. If i paint them myself I will inevidently need to go pee or brush my hair moments after I've applied the last stroke and my nails will get nicked. A huge reason i usually wear clear or very pale colours!

2. toast to pop. When I'm hungry, I'm hungry and I just can't wait!!

3. my hair to dry. My thick hair takes a good 30 minutes to dry properly if I don't want a lot of frizz. I usually end up with a poufy, frizzy mess because I just can't stand there drying my hair until it's completely done. I usually end up letting the bottom layers dry naturally because my arm gets tired of holding the hair dryer up!!

4. the end of a book. I have a long time habit of almost always reading the last page of a book half way through the book!

5. reading a full newspaper article. If I start an article and it is continued on another page I will almost always stop reading the article. why can't they print the whole thing on one page?!?!

6. people to get to the point. I can't stand when people take forever trying to say what it is they are talking about. I find this kind of funny because I know I do this exact thing!

7. being put on hold. If I call somewhere and am put on hold for too long I will almost always hang up and never bother calling back!

8. long lines at the checkout. I just don't have patience to wait in long line ups. I refuse to wait in lines at stores such as Children's Place or Superstore. I would rather not shop there or not buy something than wait in ridiculous lines!

9. slow walkers. I can't stand getting stuck behind a doddler. I will almost always overpass or try to get around slow walkers.

10. waiting in general annoys me. If I need something done I like to get it done. I hate waiting for others to do things for me and often end up just doing things myself


  1. :) I'm impatient with some things too.

    I'm smiling because I remember how much you can't stand slow walkers! I remember going shopping with you one time and the look on your face when we were stuck behind some really slow ladies! LOL! Too funny! I hate crowded places and slow walkers in crowded places (like malls) really bug me. LOL!

  2. I hate waiting for most things too, Dina. I'm always threatening to run someone over with G's stroller in most malls that I got to.
    And I'm inevitably always in the wrong checkout line when I'm in a big rush. Something about that big "L" across my forehead.
    I was with G at Winners the other day -2 cashiers, one with about 6 people in line, the other with 2. G just finished letting me know she pooped in the shoe dept but I'd left the diapers in the car. So I get in the shorter line, but the first customer needed a price check, then there was a defective item, then the security tag wouldn't come off GRRRR! I didn't want to switch lines as the other line kept growing ...but it was moving faster, and little G was stinking! We stuck with it, but the dilemma of whether to switch was just killing me LOL!

  3. Well, maybe I can help with one of those things. If you use Seche Vite top coat (available on line at or, also at most CVS and Sally's Beauty) it dries all the layers of your polish in about 10 minutes, in addition to being super shiny and lasting a long time. I love this stuff! It's so great I don't even wait for each individual layer to dry, I just keep painting when they are all wet. The SV dries to touch in 10 minutes and I can do most things, not completely for a few hours (like most polish), but you can change clothes, make the bed, etc. without fear!



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