Saturday, 3 December 2011

December Day 2

Did alright all day with the healthy eating plan...until dinner time. Hubby came home with his weekly store bought roast chicken and latkes and i resisted those yummy latkes for almost the whole meal...when my resistance wore thin and I tried one bite...which turned to two and suddenly the whole giant fried potato pancake was all gone. but it wasn't all that bad because I did keep my chicken down to 3 ounces and didn't have anything else...except one piece of challa. and since I was in bed by 9:30 I didn't have time to eat any other junk...

Today is a new day and so far I have been doing great!

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I have struggled for years to get the smile I wanted. I have tried teeth whitening at a clinic, every type of toothpaste imaginable includin...