Saturday, 18 November 2006

i think got it

Okay i have been figuring this out and I think i got it....i didn't realize that anything i had added before would be i've been slowly re-inputting all the links and such- will get it eventually!


  1. Anonymous10:55 pm

    hey d
    I tried to do a blogger and when I had finshed setting it up. All hell broke loose. I couldn't get into it, I couldn't add links. I spent so much time on it and I am frustrated. I wanted to start a new one but am stuck. Maybe you can help me when you figure it all out.

  2. Hi D,
    If you need blogger help you can check my blog, In my blogroll there is a link to blogger tips and tricks. The blogger is awesome, and will even help him if you e-mail him. I will too, you can e-mail me from my blog.

    Glad you got it sorted out Dina, you'll be a Beta Blogger expert in no time!! Thanx for the sweet card today!!!

  3. Hey Dina, whenever you change a template your sidebar links (to other pages) might get deleted, so best when you save your links on a word document so you wouldn't forget what they are. by the way, I have a regular (not just recipe) page too if you wanna link it. I like your colours of your new template.

  4. You're probably best off saving your whole templater before you make any changes...that is what I always do. Just pop it into a notebook file!

  5. thanks for all the help everyone! Now i think i'm getting it...that HTML stuff was way too confusing for my liking!!

  6. Love the blog, Dina!

  7. Dina, how did you make that collage for Elie's pics of him and Gav? That is toooo cute!

  8. the collage is done thru PICASA. it is really easy to use! the link to download the program is



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