Thursday, 18 May 2006

great day

So far my day has been wonderful! In spite of the rain which soaked us this morning we've enjoyed our day. We met with a wonderful doctor who did an ultrasound and showed us our baby in great detail. She was able to point out baby's hands, feet (which are resting on my bladder and cervix-explaining all the sharp pains i've been getting lately) and the little head and even the ears!! We were even able to see the umbilicle cord in color on the moniter. So far we have a 5 pounder on our hands but there is still lots of time to grow!!
Baby looks really cute and we are very excited to meet the little one...just over one month go, unless baby get impatient and comes out early...oh the next 5 weeks are probably going to fly by so quickly we won't know what hit us!


  1. Awesome, Dina!! That is so exciting! The next few weeks are definitely going to fly by quickly!
    BTW, I was 5 lbs, 6 oz when I was born. I was a tiny little thing :) 16 in. long too.

    Your little one is going to be soooo cute! CAn't wait to meet him/her!! Have a great day! Love ya!

    PS. Got any new ultrasound pics of the baby??

  2. the pics are not very clear. The baby is really too big at this point to see clearly in the ultrasound'll have to wait to see real pics of the little bumpkin :)

  3. I actually remember the end of my pregnancy being the longest part of it...I was so eager to have my baby (and to not be pregnant) that is just oozed by...but I was also off work and bored and just waiting. I hope it passes for you much quicker!!!

    Glad you had a better ultrasound experience this time, and actually got to see your baby!!!

  4. I actually remember the end of my pregnancy being the longest part of it...I was so eager to have my baby (and to not be pregnant) that is just oozed by...but I was also off work and bored and just waiting. I hope it passes for you much quicker!!!

    Glad you had a better ultrasound experience this time, and actually got to see your baby!!!

  5. Anonymous9:25 pm

    hey D,

    The next 5 weeks may feel like forever, I am due in 8 days and the last week especially being on Mat leave has made it feel so long..even with things to do. I keep looking for all the signs to indicate labour coming on. Glad things went better for you this time along. I wish you and Gavin all the best.



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